Fall on the ranch...
With the Yosemite forest in full fall colors, this time of year is ideal to come visit for a trail lesson.

Second Annual FUN Raiser and Playday!!!
May 23, 2015 is our Second Annual "FUN Raiser and Playday!!!" Join us for a day of Relay Races, Games on Horseback, Silent Auctions with...

Second Annual Day for Miracles!
The weather was perfect for about 150 kids with autism and their families at Dreamor Ranch riding horses, eating hot dogs, Playing games,...

Morgan Hill Horses in NEED
Just before the 2014 Holidays Dreamor Ranch Founation got a call to take in on an emergency basis horses from a local hoarder case in...

Fun at the Fair
This past weekend tied up the San Benito County Fair. Each year we anxiously look forward to our little, old fashioned fair. The kids...

CGA State Championships
2014 State Champion Team L-R Back.. Kailey, Nathaniel, Haley, Heather, Hannah, Christina, Kayla, Koren Front... Isabel, Kyla, Shaelynn...

4H All Star Project- A Day of Horsey Fun
On Saturday, June 7th, Christina Bless’ 4-H All-Star project took place at Dreamor Ranch in San Juan. An educational horsey fun day was...

A Day for Miracles
Our Day for Miracles event was a huge success. Kids dealing with Autism from several area agencies were invited. Overall, more that 300...